Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lynn Canyon

Before I "forget" to update again, here are some photos of my hike to Lynn Canyon with a couple of friends. I was in a stalker-y mood haha :p

All photos taken from the Nikon D5000 with the 18-55mm lens.

I don't know this couple but I thought they look nice together :)

A random log on the path
I am not much of an athletic person so these stairs were hard on my thighs. It was good exercise tho.
I know this type of photos have been overdone but I have a soft spot for it. Something about it just makes me feel very peaceful and relaxed :)

Although this may be under exposed in majority of the frame (because I pointed directly at the sun), I love it. It's dark, it's bright, it's mysterious yet beautiful.
This isn't some stranger this time haha! I just really like this for some reason :)

1 comment:

  1. ah! I got stalked! lol
    Love the pictures! you always have such a good eye for taking pics X3 ! I like the 4th picture too; it has an interested perspective. It makes me feel like I'm lying on my back and staring up in the sky.

    I need to upload mine XD but they suck
